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Appointment: Terms & Conditions for Patients

By digitally booking an appointment via https://clinics.getboost360.com you authorize the Doctors associated with Clinics to assess your medical history and provide healthcare services on ‘as is’ and ‘as available’ basis, including administration of drugs as deemed necessary.
The diagnosis based on consultation will be at a pre-primary level and that you will visit another doctor either as directed by the Doctor undertaking the consultation or a doctor of my choice for further treatment. During the consultation you will disclose sensitive personal information (“SPI”) which will include without limitation
(i) physical, physiological and mental health condition, symptoms and history;
(ii) medical test results in connection with the aforesaid;
(iii) medical records and history; and
(iv) biometric information to Clinics, which the Clinics may store, use and disclose to the Doctors solely for the purposes of treatment. Clinics will not publish and disclose the SPI to any third person or body corporate without your consent, except when mandated by law. You may review the medical history and other related records provided by you to Clinics and request Clinics to correct or amend any inaccurate or deficient information. Clinics will not be responsible for the authenticity of the SPI provided by you. You agree that the Clinics liability will only be limited to the professional services rendered by it and that Clinics does not make any guarantee, representations or endorsements or implied or express warranties with respect to the services provided by any Doctor engaged by it.

Online Video Consultation

  • The information provided by you while booking the appointment will stored securely and will be accessible only by Clinics.
  • Once the appointment is confirmed, you will recieve an email notification on the provided email address. And also a SMS notification on the given mobile number. The confirmation email & sms will have the consultation URL which you can use on the schduled appointment datetime, to join the online consultation room of Clinics.
  • The online consultation session will be recorded for security reasons and would be stored in a secure & enncrypted format.
  • Since the consultation would be conducted online with the Doctor, there will be no physical examination.
  • When the online consultation ends, you will be notified by email & sms with the prescription issued by the doctor during the consultation.

Consultation at Clinic

  • The information provided by you while booking the appointment will stored securely and will be accessible only by Clinics.
  • Once the appointment is confirmed, you will recieve an email notification on the provided email address. And also a SMS notification on the given mobile number. The confirmation email & sms will have the address of the clinic which you have to be present on the schduled appointment datetime, for your consultation.


If you have any questions about the appointment, you can reach us here.

Book Appointment Send Message

Online appointment booking is not available right now.






          Your enquiry
          Your contact info
          Visitor Name
          Mobile Number
          Email id

          I agree to the appointment terms & conditions

          Appointment Confirmed

          Your appointment ID is

          Doctor Name:
          Date & Time:
          Address:28, Ashokpuri Rd, Jyotipuram Colony, Rukanpura, Patna, Bihar 800025, India
          Appointment fee:
          Payment mode:
          Join video call at:

          Thanks for choosing us.Your appointment details has been shared on your mobile number  as well. Please arrive atleast 10 minutes ahead of the scheduled time.
